Nicholas Wolf
ORCID 0000-0001-5512-6151
This lesson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
This class is meant to be an overview of using Python Pandas for those who have never used it before, or who have made some progress but could use further guidance. Some background in working with tabular data is helpful, but not required. We'll focus on the following goals:
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If you have Jupyter Notebooks and Pandas installed on your laptop:
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Pandas can be a powerful tool, especially for those using it who have a background in other statistical software and are looking for a means to work with tabular data. But it isn't the only (or in some cases even the best) means of dealing with data munging or data analysis in Python, particularly for large data.
For example, note the respective size of these two Python objects:
import pandas as pd
# Create a 900 x 900 table of integers and store it as a simple Python list of list-rows:
list_lists = [list(range(0,900)) for i in range(0,900)]
# Make a Pandas dataframe out of that same table
df_list_lists = pd.DataFrame(list_lists)
# Note the size difference in memory of these two objects. This is size in bytes
7816 6480128
The Python list of lists is considerably smaller in bytes than the dataframe.
Unsurprisingly, users experience periodic issues in reading large tables into a Pandas dataframe because of this overhead. A sense of these problems and common workarounds can be found on this Stack Overflow thread.
On the other hand, our Pandas dataframe will start to outperform Python loops to modify data as size as our table/matrix gets larger:
# Update the fourth column of our list of lists
def update_list(list_lists):
new_list_lists = []
for row in list_lists:
new_list_lists.append(row[0:3] + [row[3] * 3] + row[4:])
%timeit -n 1 -r 1 update_list(list_lists)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4] [0, 1, 2, 9, 4] 7.01 ms ± 0 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 1 run, 1 loop each)
%timeit -n 1 -r 1 df_list_lists[3] = df_list_lists[3].apply(lambda x: x*3)
4.73 ms ± 0 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 1 run, 1 loop each)
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ... | 890 | 891 | 892 | 893 | 894 | 895 | 896 | 897 | 898 | 899 | |
0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 9 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ... | 890 | 891 | 892 | 893 | 894 | 895 | 896 | 897 | 898 | 899 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 9 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ... | 890 | 891 | 892 | 893 | 894 | 895 | 896 | 897 | 898 | 899 |
2 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 9 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ... | 890 | 891 | 892 | 893 | 894 | 895 | 896 | 897 | 898 | 899 |
3 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 9 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ... | 890 | 891 | 892 | 893 | 894 | 895 | 896 | 897 | 898 | 899 |
4 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 9 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ... | 890 | 891 | 892 | 893 | 894 | 895 | 896 | 897 | 898 | 899 |
5 rows × 900 columns
In other words, if you simply need a container to "hold" your data, a lot of times a simple core Python structure is great. But if you need to do full-table transformations, quick statistics, advanced statistics, and table relational joins, then Pandas is a great option.
It is essential if you want to do the steps above AND you have non-uniform data types.
Unlike another commonly used matrix library, numpy, Pandas dataframes accommodate tables/matrices that mix integers, strings, and other data types. (Pandas also shares some underlying code with numpy.)
To understand how a dataframe works in Pandas (or any other environment) we can think of the multiple ways we can assemble a two-dimensional table like this:
Now we might conceive of this table as consisting of four rows, or observations, with each row consisting of elements that are ordered so that they align with a column location that tells us what the value is for any given variable.
But we also might think of a table as consisting of vertical uniform-length columns, each representing the measurement of single variable across the same number of observations, that are then assembled by stacking them side-by-side:
In Python terms, we might think of rows and columns in a table as having some "dictionary-like" qualities, and some "list-like" qualities. For example, the elements of a row can be conceived of values that are each paired with a key corresponding to our column headers (or variables):
We can also think of the rows and columns as having an index order, like a Python list, so that we might slice and retrieve a column or row (or a value using both column and row) using its index:
And we can think of each column as being like a Python list, with an order so that once again we might access individual values and stacked next to each other to form a table:
Recognizing these hybrid dictionary- and list-like qualities of the components of a two-dimensional array, the building block for Pandas dataframe is the Series object.
# We might create a Series from a list:
list_series = pd.Series(["student1", "student2", "student3", "student4"])
0 student1 1 student2 2 student3 3 student4 dtype: object
Note that our resulting Series has an index, and looks like a 4 x 1 (4 rows x 1 column) array. Let's add a name so that we understand what this column/vector of values refers to:
named_list_series = pd.Series(["student1", "student2", "student3", "student4"], name="student_name")
0 student1 1 student2 2 student3 3 student4 Name: student_name, dtype: object
Our Series can be sliced by index location, much like a list:
0 student1 1 student2 Name: student_name, dtype: object
Great! But in and of themselves, a Series object isn't that helpful. But putting several together gives us a dataframe. We can do this by instantiating a DataFrame object which has been passed a dictionary of Series, i.e. one or more Series objects identified with a key that will serve as the column header:
year_series = pd.Series([1990, 1991, 1992, 1993])
pop_series = pd.Series([1.5, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0])
population_table = pd.DataFrame({"year":year_series, "pop":pop_series})
year | pop | |
0 | 1990 | 1.5 |
1 | 1991 | 1.6 |
2 | 1992 | 1.8 |
3 | 1993 | 2.0 |
Note that Pandas automatically builds for us a row index, highlighted in bold, on the lefthand side. If we had failed to provide column names, it would have used index numbers to label them.
That's all we need to know about the Pandas Series object to get started. Mostly, this is helpful so that we know that when we operate on a single column sliced from a dataframe, we are operating on a Series object.
We have several options for how to make a dataframe and start working in Pandas:
We can load a tabular data file and allow Pandas to parse it as a dataframe
We can instantiate an empty dataframe and append rows or columns in the form of Series objects
We can transform a Python complex array (such as a list of lists or a list of dictionaries) into a dataframe
No matter which approach is taken, I recommend taking some time to set the various parameters of the pd.DataFrame object so that your work on the dataframe later has expected results. This includes setting column names, column order, data types of variables, and (when reading from file) encoding.
Here are examples of all three:
# Loading from a character-delimited file using explicit settings for delimiter,
# header, data types, and using column names to order the resulting dataframe
df_from_csv = pd.read_csv("water-consumption-nyc-csv-example.csv", delimiter = ",",
header = 0, names = ["Year","NYC_Pop", "Consumption","PerCapita_Consumption"],
dtype = {"Year":int, "NYC_Pop":int, "Consumption":int, "PerCapita_Consumption":int})
# We can use .head() and .tail() to preview just a portion of a dataframe.
# Pass as an optional parameter the number of rows you wish to see
Year | NYC_Pop | Consumption | PerCapita_Consumption | |
0 | 1979 | 7102100 | 1512 | 213 |
1 | 1980 | 7071639 | 1506 | 213 |
2 | 1981 | 7089241 | 1309 | 185 |
3 | 1982 | 7109105 | 1382 | 194 |
4 | 1983 | 7181224 | 1424 | 198 |
# Rearranging column order
df_from_csv = df_from_csv[["Year","NYC_Pop", "PerCapita_Consumption", "Consumption"]]
Year | NYC_Pop | PerCapita_Consumption | Consumption | |
0 | 1979 | 7102100 | 213 | 1512 |
1 | 1980 | 7071639 | 213 | 1506 |
2 | 1981 | 7089241 | 185 | 1309 |
3 | 1982 | 7109105 | 194 | 1382 |
4 | 1983 | 7181224 | 198 | 1424 |
# We create an empty dataframe, then add 1 or more rows, each as dictionary with keys aligned with the columns of empty_df
empty_df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ["Year","NYC_Pop", "PerCapita_Consumption", "Consumption"])
newrows = pd.DataFrame([
{"Year": 1984,
"NYC_Pop": 8102100,
"PerCapita_Consumption": 188,
"Consumption": 1302
{"Year": 1985,
"NYC_Pop": 8902100,
"PerCapita_Consumption": 176,
"Consumption": 1203
], columns = ["Year","NYC_Pop", "PerCapita_Consumption", "Consumption"])
empty_df = pd.concat([empty_df,newrows], ignore_index=True)
Year | NYC_Pop | PerCapita_Consumption | Consumption | |
0 | 1984 | 8102100 | 188 | 1302 |
1 | 1985 | 8902100 | 176 | 1203 |
One of the most common operations we need to do with dataframes is filter or select a subset of observations, or perhaps a set of columns, to use for analysis. Let's start by looking at how we can grab just one or more columns from a dataframe.
0 1979 1 1980 2 1981 3 1982 4 1983 5 1984 6 1985 7 1986 8 1987 9 1988 10 1989 11 1990 12 1991 13 1992 14 1993 15 1994 16 1995 17 1996 18 1997 19 1998 20 1999 21 2000 22 2001 23 2002 24 2003 25 2004 26 2005 27 2006 28 2007 29 2008 30 2009 31 2010 32 2011 33 2012 34 2013 35 2014 36 2015 37 2016 Name: Year, dtype: int64
# We can grab one or more columns either by column index location, or by column name
sub_df_from_csv = df_from_csv["Year"]
0 1979 1 1980 2 1981 3 1982 4 1983 Name: Year, dtype: int64
# Note that a single column subsetted from a dataframe is a Series
# Extracting multiple columns. Note that we pass multiple column names as a list
sub2_df_from_csv = df_from_csv[["Year", "NYC_Pop"]]
Year | NYC_Pop | |
0 | 1979 | 7102100 |
1 | 1980 | 7071639 |
2 | 1981 | 7089241 |
3 | 1982 | 7109105 |
4 | 1983 | 7181224 |
# Pulling multiple columns gives us a dataframe!
sub3_df_from_csv = df_from_csv[2:4]
Year | NYC_Pop | PerCapita_Consumption | Consumption | |
2 | 1981 | 7089241 | 185 | 1309 |
3 | 1982 | 7109105 | 194 | 1382 |
What snippet of code would you use to slice out the 12th, 13th, and 14th rows and the columns "NYC_Pop" and "PerCapita_Consumption"?
# Add Answer
The row and column extraction operations are only useful up to a point -- usually you want to select a subset of your dataframe using some kind of complex criteria. We have two main means of doing this: by index location of columns and rows, and by label name and/or some kind of Boolean test of the value in any given "cell." A third means combines the two. We start by looking at filtering/selecting by index location using iloc().
The concept here will be familiar to those comfortable with list slicing, or with how a matrix can be extracted in numpy. The pattern is:
dataframe.iloc[row_index_start : row_index_index_stop, column_index_start : column_index_stop]
# First two rows, third and fourth column only
df_from_csv.iloc[0:2, 2:4]
PerCapita_Consumption | Consumption | |
0 | 213 | 1512 |
1 | 213 | 1506 |
# All rows, second column only
df_from_csv.iloc[:, 1]
0 7102100 1 7071639 2 7089241 3 7109105 4 7181224 5 7234514 6 7274054 7 7319246 8 7342476 9 7353719 10 7344175 11 7335650 12 7374501 13 7428944 14 7506166 15 7570458 16 7633040 17 7697812 18 7773443 19 7858259 20 7947660 21 8008278 22 8024964 23 8041649 24 8058335 25 8075020 26 8091706 27 8108391 28 8125077 29 8141762 30 8158448 31 8175133 32 8175133 33 8336697 34 8405837 35 8491079 36 8550405 37 8537673 Name: NYC_Pop, dtype: int64
# Third row, all columns
df_from_csv.iloc[2:3, :]
Year | NYC_Pop | PerCapita_Consumption | Consumption | |
2 | 1981 | 7089241 | 185 | 1309 |
We can also select using the same pattern (colon separated spans, a comma between the row and column decisions), but use a label or Boolean filter to subset.
The pattern is:
dataframe.loc[row_label(s), column_label(s)]
or, for a Boolean:
dataframe.loc[ True/False test for row values in a column, column_label(s)]
# Selecting all rows, but only the Year and NYC_Pop columns:
df_from_csv.loc[:, "Year":"NYC_Pop"].head(5)
Year | NYC_Pop | |
0 | 1979 | 7102100 |
1 | 1980 | 7071639 |
2 | 1981 | 7089241 |
3 | 1982 | 7109105 |
4 | 1983 | 7181224 |
# We also have an option to pass two or more column labels, even if non-adjacent, to select columns we want:
df_from_csv.loc[:, ["Year", "Consumption"]].head(5)
Year | Consumption | |
0 | 1979 | 1512 |
1 | 1980 | 1506 |
2 | 1981 | 1309 |
3 | 1982 | 1382 |
4 | 1983 | 1424 |
# Understand that the first parameter, the "row" label, is actually the column that serves as an index.
# In all of our examples so far, we've been using a Pandas-built numerical index. Thus:
df_from_csv.loc[0, ["Year", "Consumption"]]
Year 1979 Consumption 1512 Name: 0, dtype: int64
# However, keep in mind that we can set one of our columns to be an index,
# enabling us to use the column values as label
df_newindex = df_from_csv.copy().set_index("Year")
NYC_Pop | PerCapita_Consumption | Consumption | |
Year | |||
1979 | 7102100 | 213 | 1512 |
1980 | 7071639 | 213 | 1506 |
1981 | 7089241 | 185 | 1309 |
1982 | 7109105 | 194 | 1382 |
1983 | 7181224 | 198 | 1424 |
df_newindex.loc[1981, :].head(5)
NYC_Pop 7089241 PerCapita_Consumption 185 Consumption 1309 Name: 1981, dtype: int64
Lastly, we have our Boolean means of filtering using .loc(). Note that we want to access a column within our brackets and perform some kind of True/False Boolean test. We can do this using the dataframe.columnName syntax (as long as our column names do not contain spaces. If they do, you must use dataframe["columnName"] instead.
df_from_csv.loc[df_from_csv.Year < 1983]
Year | NYC_Pop | PerCapita_Consumption | Consumption | |
0 | 1979 | 7102100 | 213 | 1512 |
1 | 1980 | 7071639 | 213 | 1506 |
2 | 1981 | 7089241 | 185 | 1309 |
3 | 1982 | 7109105 | 194 | 1382 |
# Alternatively, same thing:
df_from_csv.loc[df_from_csv["Year"] < 1983]
Year | NYC_Pop | PerCapita_Consumption | Consumption | |
0 | 1979 | 7102100 | 213 | 1512 |
1 | 1980 | 7071639 | 213 | 1506 |
2 | 1981 | 7089241 | 185 | 1309 |
3 | 1982 | 7109105 | 194 | 1382 |
We can chain multiple Boolean tests together to get some pretty sophisticated filtering:
# Note that we use | (pipe) and & for "OR" and "AND" Bitwise Booleans, respectively. We MUST use parentheses
# to separate out each Boolean to be evaluated. This is done to obey the precedence and associativity rules in python (similar to BODMAS
# rules in mathematics). For more information:
df_from_csv.loc[(df_from_csv.Year < 1983) | (df_from_csv.Year == 1989)]
Year | NYC_Pop | PerCapita_Consumption | Consumption | |
0 | 1979 | 7102100 | 213 | 1512 |
1 | 1980 | 7071639 | 213 | 1506 |
2 | 1981 | 7089241 | 185 | 1309 |
3 | 1982 | 7109105 | 194 | 1382 |
10 | 1989 | 7344175 | 191 | 1402 |
# Using more than one AND/OR and added parentheses to clarify
df_from_csv.loc[((df_from_csv.Year < 1983) | (df_from_csv.Year == 1989)) & (df_from_csv.Consumption > 1320)]
Year | NYC_Pop | PerCapita_Consumption | Consumption | |
0 | 1979 | 7102100 | 213 | 1512 |
1 | 1980 | 7071639 | 213 | 1506 |
3 | 1982 | 7109105 | 194 | 1382 |
10 | 1989 | 7344175 | 191 | 1402 |
As an aside, slightly hidden from us is the matrix logic used behind the scenes to make all of this happen.
In reality, the Boolean tests inside the parentheses return True/False versions of the original dataframe in which each cell is set to True or False based on the condition you have indicated. It is this True/False matrix that is then used to mask the original dataframe.
We can test this by simply evaluating the Boolean statement itself:
df_from_csv.Year < 1983
0 True 1 True 2 True 3 True 4 False 5 False 6 False 7 False 8 False 9 False 10 False 11 False 12 False 13 False 14 False 15 False 16 False 17 False 18 False 19 False 20 False 21 False 22 False 23 False 24 False 25 False 26 False 27 False 28 False 29 False 30 False 31 False 32 False 33 False 34 False 35 False 36 False 37 False Name: Year, dtype: bool
If you come across examples on Stack Overflow using .ix[] to filter/select data, disregard as this is now deprecated in Pandas.
Once you are comfortable selecting subsections of a dataframe, from entire rows, columns, sub-tables, or individual single values, ways of updating those values can take a few forms. We'll concentrate on two.
Let's say we want to update the value in the Consumption column for the first row.
df_from_csv.iloc[0:1, :]
Year | NYC_Pop | PerCapita_Consumption | Consumption | |
0 | 1979 | 7102100 | 213 | 1512 |
df_from_csv.loc[0, "Consumption"] = 1548
df_from_csv.iloc[0:1, :]
Year | NYC_Pop | PerCapita_Consumption | Consumption | |
0 | 1979 | 7102100 | 213 | 1548 |
# We can also do quick calculated values across all rows and set the results on a new column
df_from_csv["Consumption_per_10000"] = df_from_csv.Consumption / 10000
Year | NYC_Pop | PerCapita_Consumption | Consumption | Consumption_per_10000 | |
0 | 1979 | 7102100 | 213 | 1548 | 0.1548 |
1 | 1980 | 7071639 | 213 | 1506 | 0.1506 |
2 | 1981 | 7089241 | 185 | 1309 | 0.1309 |
3 | 1982 | 7109105 | 194 | 1382 | 0.1382 |
4 | 1983 | 7181224 | 198 | 1424 | 0.1424 |
A great feature of Pandas is the .apply() method which enables you to apply some kind of transformative function, either one you write yourself or something you pull from Python's core library, and propagate it across any portion of the dataframe you wish to change.
We can start with an example using a Python core function:
x = 1.6
df_from_csv["Consumption_per_10000"] = df_from_csv["Consumption_per_10000"].apply(round)
Year | NYC_Pop | PerCapita_Consumption | Consumption | Consumption_per_10000 | |
0 | 1979 | 7102100 | 213 | 1548 | 0 |
1 | 1980 | 7071639 | 213 | 1506 | 0 |
2 | 1981 | 7089241 | 185 | 1309 | 0 |
3 | 1982 | 7109105 | 194 | 1382 | 0 |
4 | 1983 | 7181224 | 198 | 1424 | 0 |
# Alternative using a function you write yourself.
def check_if_high(in_val):
if in_val > 200:
return "Y"
return "N"
df_from_csv["Consumption_high"] = df_from_csv["PerCapita_Consumption"].apply(check_if_high)
Year | NYC_Pop | PerCapita_Consumption | Consumption | Consumption_per_10000 | Consumption_high | |
0 | 1979 | 7102100 | 213 | 1548 | 0 | Y |
1 | 1980 | 7071639 | 213 | 1506 | 0 | Y |
2 | 1981 | 7089241 | 185 | 1309 | 0 | N |
3 | 1982 | 7109105 | 194 | 1382 | 0 | N |
4 | 1983 | 7181224 | 198 | 1424 | 0 | N |
# And a final example, using a quick lambda function
df_from_csv["Total_sum"] = df_from_csv["Consumption"].apply(lambda x: x+1000)
Year | NYC_Pop | PerCapita_Consumption | Consumption | Consumption_per_10000 | Consumption_high | Total_sum | |
0 | 1979 | 7102100 | 213 | 1548 | 0 | Y | 2548 |
1 | 1980 | 7071639 | 213 | 1506 | 0 | Y | 2506 |
2 | 1981 | 7089241 | 185 | 1309 | 0 | N | 2309 |
3 | 1982 | 7109105 | 194 | 1382 | 0 | N | 2382 |
4 | 1983 | 7181224 | 198 | 1424 | 0 | N | 2424 |
Helpfully, Pandas offers some SQL-like means of joining (i.e. in a SQL sense: matching records on common keys, yielding a wider table) and performing the equivalent of a SQL union (i.e. concatenating one table of the same structure and columns to another, yielding a longer table).
These are known as a "merge" and a "concat" in Pandas.
# Constructing a second table with a plan to use "Year" as our common key
nyc_pop_density = pd.DataFrame([[1979,8.9],[1980,8.1],[1981,7.4],[1982,7.2],
[1987,5.5],[1988,5.4]], columns=["pop_year","density_per_5000"])
nyc_water_consumption = df_from_csv.loc[df_from_csv.Year < 1989]
pop_year | density_per_5000 | |
0 | 1979 | 8.9 |
1 | 1980 | 8.1 |
2 | 1981 | 7.4 |
3 | 1982 | 7.2 |
4 | 1983 | 6.5 |
5 | 1984 | 6.5 |
6 | 1985 | 6.0 |
7 | 1986 | 5.8 |
8 | 1987 | 5.5 |
9 | 1988 | 5.4 |
Year | NYC_Pop | PerCapita_Consumption | Consumption | Consumption_per_10000 | Consumption_high | Total_sum | |
0 | 1979 | 7102100 | 213 | 1548 | 0 | Y | 2548 |
1 | 1980 | 7071639 | 213 | 1506 | 0 | Y | 2506 |
2 | 1981 | 7089241 | 185 | 1309 | 0 | N | 2309 |
3 | 1982 | 7109105 | 194 | 1382 | 0 | N | 2382 |
4 | 1983 | 7181224 | 198 | 1424 | 0 | N | 2424 |
5 | 1984 | 7234514 | 203 | 1465 | 0 | Y | 2465 |
6 | 1985 | 7274054 | 182 | 1326 | 0 | N | 2326 |
7 | 1986 | 7319246 | 185 | 1351 | 0 | N | 2351 |
8 | 1987 | 7342476 | 197 | 1447 | 0 | N | 2447 |
9 | 1988 | 7353719 | 202 | 1484 | 0 | Y | 2484 |
# Performing a join ("merge") with the year column;
# we'll do a left-hand inner table join, meaning we will keep all records in the water consumption table (lefthand)
# and only records that match from the right-hand table (the pop density). As it happens, there is a 1-1 match
merged_df = pd.merge(nyc_water_consumption, nyc_pop_density, how="left", left_on="Year", right_on="pop_year")
Year | NYC_Pop | PerCapita_Consumption | Consumption | Consumption_per_10000 | Consumption_high | Total_sum | pop_year | density_per_5000 | |
0 | 1979 | 7102100 | 213 | 1548 | 0 | Y | 2548 | 1979 | 8.9 |
1 | 1980 | 7071639 | 213 | 1506 | 0 | Y | 2506 | 1980 | 8.1 |
2 | 1981 | 7089241 | 185 | 1309 | 0 | N | 2309 | 1981 | 7.4 |
3 | 1982 | 7109105 | 194 | 1382 | 0 | N | 2382 | 1982 | 7.2 |
4 | 1983 | 7181224 | 198 | 1424 | 0 | N | 2424 | 1983 | 6.5 |
5 | 1984 | 7234514 | 203 | 1465 | 0 | Y | 2465 | 1984 | 6.5 |
6 | 1985 | 7274054 | 182 | 1326 | 0 | N | 2326 | 1985 | 6.0 |
7 | 1986 | 7319246 | 185 | 1351 | 0 | N | 2351 | 1986 | 5.8 |
8 | 1987 | 7342476 | 197 | 1447 | 0 | N | 2447 | 1987 | 5.5 |
9 | 1988 | 7353719 | 202 | 1484 | 0 | Y | 2484 | 1988 | 5.4 |
# Let's say we have a second dataframe with the same type of data, using the same columns.
# We perform a concatenation in which the second dataframe becomes additional row on the original
additional_df = pd.DataFrame([[1989,7367819, 189, 1456, 0, "Y", 2456],[1990,7406718, 192, 1345, 0, "Y", "2345"]],
Year | NYC_Pop | PerCapita_Consumption | Consumption | Consumption_per_10000 | Consumption_high | Total_sum | |
0 | 1989 | 7367819 | 189 | 1456 | 0 | Y | 2456 |
1 | 1990 | 7406718 | 192 | 1345 | 0 | Y | 2345 |
# The resulting dataframe will preserve the original row indices of the original respective dataframes
# To reset the index, we pass an additional parameter: ignore_index=True
concat_df = pd.concat([nyc_water_consumption, additional_df], ignore_index=True)
Year | NYC_Pop | PerCapita_Consumption | Consumption | Consumption_per_10000 | Consumption_high | Total_sum | |
0 | 1979 | 7102100 | 213 | 1548 | 0 | Y | 2548 |
1 | 1980 | 7071639 | 213 | 1506 | 0 | Y | 2506 |
2 | 1981 | 7089241 | 185 | 1309 | 0 | N | 2309 |
3 | 1982 | 7109105 | 194 | 1382 | 0 | N | 2382 |
4 | 1983 | 7181224 | 198 | 1424 | 0 | N | 2424 |
5 | 1984 | 7234514 | 203 | 1465 | 0 | Y | 2465 |
6 | 1985 | 7274054 | 182 | 1326 | 0 | N | 2326 |
7 | 1986 | 7319246 | 185 | 1351 | 0 | N | 2351 |
8 | 1987 | 7342476 | 197 | 1447 | 0 | N | 2447 |
9 | 1988 | 7353719 | 202 | 1484 | 0 | Y | 2484 |
10 | 1989 | 7367819 | 189 | 1456 | 0 | Y | 2456 |
11 | 1990 | 7406718 | 192 | 1345 | 0 | Y | 2345 |
There are a few key methods that we can call on a Pandas dataframe to help us get a sense of its shape and contents quickly:
# Check its size. This dataframe has 38 rows and 7 columns
(38, 7)
# Check for nulls; in this case, nulls in any row, any column.
Year | NYC_Pop | PerCapita_Consumption | Consumption | Consumption_per_10000 | Consumption_high | Total_sum |
# Check if any given column is unique
# Summary statistics
Year | NYC_Pop | PerCapita_Consumption | Consumption | Consumption_per_10000 | Total_sum | |
count | 38.000000 | 3.800000e+01 | 38.000000 | 38.000000 | 38.0 | 38.000000 |
mean | 1997.500000 | 7.764553e+06 | 161.552632 | 1241.631579 | 0.0 | 2241.631579 |
std | 11.113055 | 4.610189e+05 | 31.404680 | 173.980493 | 0.0 | 173.980493 |
min | 1979.000000 | 7.071639e+06 | 117.000000 | 996.000000 | 0.0 | 1996.000000 |
25% | 1988.250000 | 7.342901e+06 | 135.250000 | 1095.000000 | 0.0 | 2095.000000 |
50% | 1997.500000 | 7.815851e+06 | 155.500000 | 1238.500000 | 0.0 | 2238.500000 |
75% | 2006.750000 | 8.120906e+06 | 189.500000 | 1378.750000 | 0.0 | 2378.750000 |
max | 2016.000000 | 8.550405e+06 | 213.000000 | 1548.000000 | 0.0 | 2548.000000 |
# Single column value counts, max, min.
N 6 Y 4 Name: Consumption_high, dtype: int64 7353719 1309
I love this plain explanation of filtering/selecting and refer back to it often:
Official Pandas documentation, recently re-newed:
Pandas's own 10-minute quick start:
Software Carpentries Pandas lesson (as part of general Python instruction):
NYU Data Services Quantitative guide for merging/joining datasets:
NYC_Pop | PerCapita_Consumption | |
11 | 7335650 | 194 |
12 | 7374501 | 199 |
13 | 7428944 | 184 |