Love Your Data Week #LYD16 Schedule

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, this week is dedicated to tips and tools for demonstrating your love for your research data, whether it be making sure it is documented nicely or ensuring its storage for the long term. Check back here throughout the week (or follow Love Your Data Week on Twitter, #LYD16) for daily themes dedicated to each aspect of data protection and care.

Monday: We will be looking at ways to keep your data safe through tips on storage, formats, and navigating a cloud environment.

Tuesday: Keeping your data organized and accessible!

Wednesday: What are the best approaches to documenting your data? Check in with #LYD16 on Wednesday for more options.

Thursday: With research verification and reproducibility increasingly featured in today’s scholarly publishing, ensure that you can give and get credit for your data.

Friday: Data resusability. Learn how your data can be transformed so that it is usable by you and by other researchers in the future.

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