When the Digital Humanities Meets Art Galleries

Event Date: March 28, 2017
Link: When the Digital Humanities Meets Art Galleries

Scholars from across NYU are collaborating with artists and art galleries on innovative digital projects. Join us to learn about some of this work. We hope this event will serve as an opportunity for all those interested in the field to gather, connect, and discuss.

Projects will be presented by:

  • Glenn Wharton, Clinical Associate Professor of Museum Studies, NYU
  • Jonathan Hay, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Professor of Fine Arts, NYU
  • Sarah Demott, Data Services Specialist, NYU Libraries
  • Deena Engel, Clinical Professor, Computer Science, NYU & Joanna Phillips, Conservator, Time-Based Media, Guggenheim Museum

This event is moderated by Marion Thain, Associate Director of Digital Humanities, NYU. Co-sponsored by NYU Digital Humanities.

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