Seven Things We Learned from the ICQI 2016 Conference

The following is an excerpt from a blog post written by Daniel Turner about the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Conference, attended by NYU Data Services’s Sarah DeMott:

“I was lucky enough to attend the ICQI 2016 conference last week in Champagne at the University of Illinois. We managed to speak to a lot of people about using Quirkos, but there were hundreds of other talks, and here are some pointers from just a few of them!

1. Qualitative research is like being at high school
Johnny Saldaña’s keynote described (with cutting accuracy) the research cliques that people tend to stick to. It’s important for us to try and think outside these methodological or topic boxes, and learn from other people doing things in different ways. With so many varied sessions and hundreds of talks, conferences like ICQI 2016 are great places to do this.

We were also treated to clips from high school movies, and our own Qualitative High School song! The Digital Tools thread got their own theme song: a list of all the different qualitative analysis software packages sung to the tune of ‘ABC’ – the nursery rhyme, not the Jackson 5 hit!”

Read the last 6 things learned here:

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