Cold War – Data Dispatch NYU Data Services News and Updates Fri, 20 Oct 2017 20:32:56 +0000 en hourly 1 Cold War – Data Dispatch 32 32 Data Services Adds Georeferenced Soviet Maps Tue, 24 Jan 2017 20:22:03 +0000 The results of a crowd-sourced georectification project within Data Services have come to fruition as the NYU Spatial Data Repository has now released its rectified collection of topographic maps of Saudia Arabia and nearby regions. Produced by the Soviet military in 1978 at a 1:100,000 scale, the maps were compiled through a combination of aerial intelligence and on-the-ground observation. These maps are part of an endeavor, unknown in its extent at the time, that has been described as one of the “most comprehensive global topographic mapping project ever undertaken.”1 Among their striking features are the close detail available on each sheet.
The cities of Dhahran and Al Khobar in Saudia Arabia
The cities of Dhahran and Al Khobar in Saudia Arabia
Data Services team members and friends gathered for two sessions over the last few months to georectify the maps in the open-source GIS software QGIS. Using bounding coordinate information listed on the maps, 441 map tiles were rectified and reprojected so that they could be displayed and used in GIS software alongside other raster and vector layers in standard WGS 84 (i.e. the World Geodetic System 1984, the standard spatial reference system).

Although human settlement features can be found in detail throughout the collection, they also describe a range of environmental features with hundreds of distinguished land and land-use types from categories of agriculture to forest, grass, soil types, and even five types of sand. Coastal areas can be compared to current coastlines to measure erosion and sea-level changes. Not conversant in Russian? An in-depth technical manual prepared by the U.S. Army in English, and available with the collection, will be your guide. To view the collection with spatial preview, click here.

1 Alexander J. Kent and John M. Davies, “Hot Geospatial Intelligence from a Cold War: The Soviet Military Mapping of Towns and Cities.” Cartography and Geographic Information Science 40:3 (2013): 248.

Introducing the 2016 GIS Day NYU Global Map Hack-a-Thon: An Exploration of Cold War Cartography Thu, 10 Nov 2016 15:43:38 +0000 We’re less than a week away from GIS Day 2016 at NYU. In addition to our usually impressive lineup of GIS talks, exhibits, and maps, we are introducing a multi-campus hack-a-thon event. What happens when NYU’s GIS Data Services team, dispersed around the world, comes together at the last minute to work with data we already have and produce a series of narratives and visualizations?

We are about to find out. Our topic is Representations of China and the Middle East during the Cold War, and our task is to create a series of maps on platforms like ESRI’s StoryMaps, Carto, and maybe other interfaces through which students and staff can explore these connections. Recognizing that we don’t have much time before GIS Day, we want to see if the process of coming together digging into data and resources, and having conversations with each other can yield something worthwhile, even if the product(s) that emerge are still in process.

Communist China Map
An un-georeferenced page from a CIA book of map sheets on Communist China, published in 1967

The Process

The idea for a hack-a-thon event emerged over the past few weeks. We wanted to call attention to the multiple ways that NYU supports GIS learning across the global campuses: collecting spatial data, making historical raster images available via the Spatial Data Repository, and helping users find data and work with it in a variety of analytical and presentation software platforms.

Based on the idea of software hack-a-thons, this project is a collaborative event between the global sites that comprise New York University: New York’s Data Services, Abu Dhabi’s Data Services and growing Digital Humanities community, and Shanghai’s Library. During a weeklong stretch, members of the GIS team, faculty, and students at each of the three campuses will gather together to develop some project–a series of maps or exhibits–that explores the idea of Cold War ideologies and maps. Each team will work with data that NYU has collected and will explore the questions and methods associated with geographic information systems (GIS) analysis.

Why Cold War Maps?

Cartographic representations produced in the Cold War are one way to explore the connection between the NYU campuses and the various digital humanities and social science research we support. As Timothy Barney has argued, maps produced by the United States, the U.S.S.R., and other countries are vehicles for articulating ideological tensions, national desire, and perceptions of power and global stewardship. Maps rely upon both aesthetic and scientific forms of knowledge to produce and project imagined political relationships of power and dominance. Yet they are also windows into real, physical spaces and places at specific times in history. How these aesthetic and scientific projections take place is one main question undergirding the hack-a-thon.

Timothy Burney's Mapping the Cold War
Timothy Burney’s Mapping the Cold War

NYU’s project begins with a book in our physical collection, entitled Communist China: Map Folio. The book was published by the C.I.A. Office of Basic and Geographic Intelligence in 1967 and includes a series of maps that profile the population, energy sources, terrain, and infrastructure of “Communist China.” The book is an exemplar artifact of U.S. Cold War ideology; it represents dismissive attitudes toward Communism and speaks pejoratively about the struggles and rudimentary elements of Chinese infrastructure and production. We’ve taken several of the map sheets in this book, digitized them, and prepared them for analysis in a number of online mapping platforms.

We chose this topic because it is rife for the development of spatial humanities themes. Further, it will allow the larger NYU GIS community to explore some of the data and resources we already access, such as historical China Census population data from our SDR and socio-demographic data from content providers like Data-Planet.

What to Expect

Over the course of the next week, the NYU Data Services team will provide newly-georeferenced raster maps to students and faculty at the global campuses in Abu Dhabi and Shanghai. In Abu Dhabi, D.J. Wrisley, Associate Professor of Digital Humanities, 2016-2017, will lead a team of students in his introductory Digital Humanities class as they explore concepts of mapping. At the same time, a team in Shanghai, coordinated by Kyle Greenberg, Adrian Hodge, and Clay Shirky, will come together to add to this project as well. We will be blogging this event and will assemble a gallery of maps created in time for GIS Day. Various members of the NYU Data Services team and NYU teaching community will write about lessons learned, questions asked, and more. Let the mapping and research begin!
